
Wellness iga nephropathy for four!

Four recuperation of iga nephropathy
Wellness for four iga nephropathy! Iga nephropathy had kidney disease, patients may suffer serious health threat, in order to avoid these situations, usually necessary to do preventive work Iga nephropathy, take appropriate preventive measures. Specific to note the following:


Overwork is an important factor in kidney disease, it is one of the causes Iga nephropathy. For Iga nephropathy patients do not get enough rest, the condition also continued to increase, hematuria, increased blood pressure to rise. So in order to prevent and avoid Iga Iga nephropathy kidney disease exacerbations, we should work and rest, living with restraint, early hours, avoid staying up late.

Prevention of inflammation

Iga various leading cause of kidney inflammation, effective prevention Iga nephropathy must prevent inflammation. Actively eliminate susceptibility and predisposing factors, prevention of respiratory infections, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections and other diseases, to cure malaria, severe tonsillitis, who may not be radical tonsillectomy. Eliminate worries, prevention efforts will be effective.

Psychological recuperation

Good attitude is a major health protection. Healthy mind, feel good, can promote venous dilation, promote blood circulation, prevent the occurrence of fear, tone mood, maintain a healthy state of mind, pleasant mood, prevention work will be carried out smoothly.

Prevent colds

There is a saying called "diseases are starting from cold," referring to the cold can cause Iga nephropathy, especially in weak physical condition of the people, by the cold easily lead to various diseases such as Iga nephropathy. Flu prevention is one of the important measures so prevention Iga nephropathy. Normal life, pay attention to the weather changes, according to the temperature change of clothing, avoid the flu attack.

How to prevent Iga nephropathy? There is no particular trick, as long as develop good habits, avoiding triggers, prevention is a duck. But stressed that if had Iga nephropathy in need of scientific treatment, some so-called remedies against Iga nephropathy simply useless, or even worse. iga nephropathy How should care? We are also described in detail in previous articles, you can read view.

I think we do not know it! Form uremia toxin mainly as a result of in vivo effects of this toxin is divided into three areas. First, toxic cloud, plug in the network of the kidney. That intrinsic renal cell proliferation and cell damage caused by necrosis. Second, Ecchymosis, stasis in the vein of the kidney. That glomerular sclerosis and blood contamination caused by ischemia and hypoxia. Third, stagnation poison, were arrested in intradermal Cou, namely extreme immune and inflammatory response in the kidney caused by abnormal immune function.


