
iga nephropathy patients can live how long?

iga nephropathy patients can live for how long? Many patients ask iga nephropathy patients can live for how long? lack of knowledge of the disease, when everyone will feel very fear, fear this is an incurable disease, fear of the disease to patients and families of a major blow to the spirit and the economy, this fear we all can understand, then iga nephropathy patients can live how long?

iga nephropathy patients can live for how long? According to the clinical data, iga nephropathy is a more serious disease and the incidence in the country amounted to 50%, was asked to iga nephropathy patients can live how long? and so it will be very serious many types of issues, the following is a detailed account of iga nephropathy.

iga nephropathy patients can live for how long? The main reason rule unhealed

1. Its main reason is that the extent of the defect itself mucosal immune function in patients with decreased immunity within a certain period of time while, after upper respiratory tract infection or gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to the body of the bacteria or against, so that the body abnormalities IGA structure has antigenicity, and autoantibody binding antigen-antibody complexes formed iga, iga immune complexes which can precipitate in the glomerular capillary mesangial cells, leading to physiological dysfunction mesangial cells, so we iga mesangial cell type called hyperplasia.

2.iga kidney disease can live for many years? Stereotypes usually applied in clinical treatment and hematuria capsules and other anti-inflammatory drugs to stop bleeding, hematuria stopped to think straightforward, but it misses the point, which is not the same as bleeding wound, hemostatic drugs use you can stop on, the key is a normal physiological function of the real root cause damage --- mesangial cells, so even if a lot of drug use, urine or repeatedly, the main reason for this was the result of misunderstanding is the relationship between kidney disease etiology and symptoms did not understand.

3. iga nephropathy are not just any kind of kidney disease, kidney as the birth of the main organs, the kidney disease if not timely and proper treatment, or permanently, will lead to physical multi-system, multi-organ failure, and ultimately will be multiple organ failure and death. Clinically Nephropathy no dialectical symptomatic treatment (hormone therapy such as nephritis, uremia dialysis treatment) is not only not allow the rehabilitation of patients, but also due to the profusion of complications greatly reduced quality of life, so that patients spend the rest of his life in pain.

iga nephropathy patients can live for how long? For this problem, experts, iga nephropathy is an early prevention measures can be done, if we can understand the cause, early to avoid the occurrence of disease, iga nephropathy if caught and treated early is best treatment is not positive will life-threatening.


