
IgA nephropathy will not be genetic?

IgA nephropathy belongs to autoimmune kidney disease, is simply attack the patient's body by the disease, the body's immune system starts to fight against exotic diseases, but excessive immune substances produced IgA, accumulate in the kidneys lead to kidney damage occurs, which is IgA nephropathy

The disease is caused by its own factors, such as colds and other upper respiratory tract infection may trigger the disease. That is, if we can effectively prevent exotic diseases, it can be good to avoid the occurrence of IgA nephropathy, from this point on, IgA nephropathy is not hereditary;

However, in clinical treatment found that the incidence of IgA nephropathy disease familial aggregation phenomenon, which is how it happened? IgA nephropathy nephropathy belongs autoimmune deficiencies, autoimmune deficiencies exist such genetic predisposition, he said, in the same cold place, after infection, have a family history of IgA nephropathy who have IgA nephropathy than normal probability of large, which is determined by genes.

We can see by the above, IgA nephropathy do not have a genetic inevitability, but a family with IgA nephropathy, be sure to check the body on a regular basis, to actively prevent!

Prevention of IgA nephropathy, everyone can do it!

Even if there is a family history of IgA nephropathy do not worry, be effective in preventing colds, infection is the best way to prevent IgA nephropathy. In life, reasonable rest, diet is very important, followed not mess take supplements, medications, to avoid burden on the kidneys, so long as in life more health care, IgA nephropathy will stay away from us!

Prevention iga nephropathy, you know how to do that?

1, IgA nephropathy prevention measures, we are required to participate in regular aerobic exercise, appropriate exercise in the sun to do more exercise more sweat, it can help us rid the body of excess acid, thereby preventing the occurrence of IgA nephropathy.

2, IgA nephropathy prevention, to stay away from alcohol and tobacco. Experts advise that alcohol and tobacco are typical acidic foods, unrestrained smoking, drinking, easily lead to the acidification of the body, so that kidney disease can take advantage of.

3, note that in the life of our diet, avoid excessive intake of acidic substances, thus exacerbating acidic.

4, maintain a good mood, do not have the psychological pressure, the pressure is too heavy can cause deposition of acidic substances affect the metabolism of normal. Regulate mood and stress itself can maintain alkaline constitution, so as to prevent the occurrence of IgA nephropathy.

5, to develop a regular living habits, irregular living habits, such as the night singing karaoke OK, playing mahjong and other living without the law, it will increase the acidic, prone to diabetes. Experts advise that we should develop good habits, so as to maintain a weak alkaline, so far from their kidney disease.


