
What IGA nephropathy is the most effective health care?

What IGA nephropathy most effective nursing care is? Based on their years of clinical experience in the treatment and care of patients with kidney disease for patients and families about how to care under the IGA is the most effective health care, to rehabilitation of the disease is most helpful?

IGA nephropathy nursing care one: physical exercise is essential in the circumstances permit, do some physical exercise, such as walking, qigong, tai chi, etc., there are beneficial to enhance physical fitness, increase body resistance to prevent bacterial infection, virus immunity The reaction of the damage occurred.

IGA nephropathy Nursing Care II: to prevent a cold is the last word of kidney disease is closely associated with upper respiratory tract infection, often feel cold, wind-heat, rheumatism evil for the beginning because, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease, it should be noted that cold weather warm change, change clothes, vigilant invasion of evils.

IGA nephropathy Health Care III: develop good habits. If the body is overworked, it will reduce the body's resistance to the external evil, increase the chance of illness. Kidney is the innate, the source of life. Kidney essence, the essence filling the vitality Wang, filling my mind, physically fit, intelligent brain. Conversely, it will involve the kidneys.

IGA nephropathy nursing care four: the mood is optimistic spirit shield, prevention first. In addition to the usual enhance physical exercise, yin deficiency may serve Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Wei gas shortage may serve Yupingfengsan to kidney Pei Yuan, solid guard watch, prevent evils invasion table-induced nephropathy.

CKD renal cell balance therapy treatment principle is the birth of the kidney, is the origin of life, it is to promote the raw power of human life, "and five internal organs kidney disease will" affect people's normal life and work. Threat to people's lives, the Chinese medicine hospital in the overall concept of the balance of Dialectical therapy, improve immune function, so that endocrine return to normal humoral immunity. Activate kidney cells to cure kidney effects.

Kidney detoxification, blood circulation, treatment of primary disease mechanisms regulating immune function, clear the deposition of immune complexes in the glomeruli, glomerular improve microcirculation, promote reversal of glomerular lesions, protect the remaining renal unit, Activation potential function of the kidney to excrete toxic substances effectively complete, renal function returned to normal, the electrolyte balance, its purpose is not without dialysis of kidney transplant.

In gene therapy method of staging the whole dialectical combination of traditional Chinese medicine can effectively active substances directly to lesions, to rapid onset, the damaged glomerular basement membrane repair quickly activate glomerular sclerosis, in compliance of the Kaneharu. Treatment fundamental rule, restore the body upright, to improve their immunity to resist foreign invasion of evil, prevent disease recurrence, with natural wild Chinese medicine preparation, synergism, can quickly remove toxins from the body, proteinuria, hematuria lower serum creatinine clear improvement increase renal blood flow, elimination of local inflammatory response and prevent renal failure process, in order to achieve quick short course without recurrence features.


