
How to prevent the occurrence of IgA nephritis?

iga nephropathy always say hello on came to our side, we can do is proactive and preventive, it does not give the opportunity to come!

] After [the prevention of influenza cold fever, can IgA nephropathy hematuria symptoms.

[Caution] detrimental to the kidneys do not try drugs gentamicin and tetracycline aminoglycosides, phenylbutazone, phenacetin, acetaminophen and other drugs. Remind doctors when the doctor, they have IgA nephropathy.

[Work and rest appropriately] According to TCM theory, IgA nephropathy is caused due to deficiencies or excessive troubles wasting organs, blood yin and yang depletion caused by the disease, their condition is essentially wasting organs, especially the lack of yin essence, excessive tired but also gas consumption disability allowance, so that sicker. Therefore we must work and rest appropriately, not too tired (including physical and mental), to prevent worse.

["Do not drink drunk, do not color fan"] This is longevity Emperor Qianlong emperor teachings. Limit alcohol, distant tent subtractive essence trying to Celebrex. It has positive significance in the prevention of kidney disease recurrence.

IgA nephropathy is a group not associated with systemic disease, renal biopsy immune pathology in glomerular mesangial area granular deposition of IgA-based, clinically with hematuria (microscopic hematuria) is the main manifestation of renal glomerulonephritis. IgA is one of the major glomerular disease, but also lead to end-stage renal failure (uremia) is a major cause. Western medicine because of their treatment is to reduce deposition of IgA immune inflammatory response, thus still no specific effective treatment.


