
IGA Nephropathy dietary requirements

For Iga nephropathy and other various kidney disease, the protein intake for more emphasis to be before they can. IgA nephropathy patients to scientific and reasonable arrangements for their protein intake, diet therapy should be used to determine protein intake according to degree of renal function impairment, if longer duration, renal damage is not serious, the protein in food is not strictly limit, but not more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day, high-quality protein to reach more than 50 percent. By limiting the intake of protein in the diet, so patients with IgA nephropathy energy sources has been limited, the supply of energy to carbohydrates and fat as the main source of energy supply depends on the labor intensity may be. The Breakers, adult daily supply of 126 kJ to 147 kJ (30 kcal to 35 kcal) / kg body weight. And activities to meet the needs of patients.

IGA nephropathy patients also need special attention salt intake, excessive intake of salt is serious injury to the kidneys. IgA nephropathy patients decide to combine their condition in the daily diet is much need to eat salt, but in severe edema and hypertension, the amount of salt should be controlled at below 2 g / day, or even give salt-free diet, generally salt is appropriate.

Thus, for IGA nephropathy patients, and therapeutic treatment must be parallel, but diet should be placed on a more important position. Patients should be timely intake of protein, but not excessive intake. The supply of heat must also be arranged, in particular, to eat less salt.


