
iga nephritis can be cured?

Many of my friends know iga nephropathy is a serious disease, suffering iga nephropathy difficult to treat. Many people with iga nephropathy patients want to know, iga nephritis can not cure? Here we come to experts, together with the understanding of it! Hope that we can bring help to patients and friends.

? iga nephritis, kidney disease can be cured, experts say: In fact, as long as with the treatment of patients, in the treatment of attention nursed back to health, iga nephritis can be controlled, for iga nephritis treatment.

1. Yin Deficiency type: Zheng Jian hematuria, proteinuria unhealed course, obvious fatigue, dry mouth, pale tongue, weak pulse. Treatment with Activating Blood and stop bleeding, side by Shenqidihuang Da Bu Yuan Jian soup or subtraction (heterophylla, Astragalus, Rehmannia, Chinese yam, Eucommia, medlar, cornus, Chinese angelica, Dan, Alisma, licorice ).

2. Yin heat type: more common in subclinical or acute exacerbation of the disease after treatment protraction, Zheng Jian lower back pain, throat, thirst-hi cold drink, dysphoria hot, red urine will be dry, red little coating, rapid pulse. Expelling clearing ney, to use Zhibai yellow decoction or Xiaojiyinzi addition and subtraction (altogether, Cork, habitat, dogwood, Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta, Dan, diffusa, raw Oriental Arborvitae, thistle, thistle, motherwort, rhizome, Shi Wei).

3. Qi and not proactive type: more common in proteinuria mainly falling unhealed, side by Buzhongyiqitang, Wu Zi Yan Zong Pill (Codonopsis, Astragalus, Atractylodes, Angelica, dried tangerine peel, Cimicifuga, Bupleurum, licorice, raspberry, laevigata, Chinese wolfberry, Gorgon).

Classic iga nephropathy how treatment is good? Kidney hospital authority a "kidney disease characteristics therapy" practice in nephrology clinical disciplines is based on Chinese medicine, "the relative balance of yin and yang," "the whole concept of Heaven," "syndrome" of Under the guidance of theory, combined with modern medical immune balance theory, into the overall treatment (ie patients and doctors), individual treatment programs for patients and dynamic treatment system for illness and physical changes in three parts.


