
What are the symptoms of end stage renal disease iga

iga nephropathy great harm to health, IGA nephropathy presenting symptoms at different times is not the same. iga-stage renal disease What are the symptoms of it? IGA nephropathy in patients with advanced various body systems will show obvious symptoms, serious impact on patient health and life IGA nephropathy. IGA nephropathy is a chronic renal disease, at different stages exhibit different symptoms. iga-stage renal disease What are the symptoms of it? Early symptoms in all aspects of the body Jieyou performance. IGA-stage renal disease are the following symptoms:
1, the metabolic disorder is one of the early symptoms of iga nephropathy uremic patients have varying degrees of metabolic disorders. Hyperlipidemia but the result of fat metabolism disorders.
2. What are the symptoms of advanced iga nephropathy it? Anemia is iga nephropathy patients must have symptoms. Erythropoietin reduce the risk of kidney disease after. Retention metabolites remain mature erythrocytes and inhibition of erythrocyte membrane damage shorten its life, the presence of toxic substances into the pigment of red blood cells inhibited the activity of the blood of uremic anorexia, diarrhea, and easy bleeding caused by iron deficiency, folate deficiency and protein deficiency, loss of protein in the urine is also a cause of anemia.
3, IGA nephritis late digestive disorder symptoms will appear, IGA nephritis patients with the earliest symptoms are loss of appetite or digestive indigestion; exacerbations can occur when anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. These symptoms may occur with intestinal bacteria urease speak decomposition of ammonia in urine, ammonia stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa causing inflammation and multiple small superficial ulcers and so on. Patients often complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding. Also nausea, vomiting and dysfunction toxin also acts on the central nervous system caused by related.
4. What are the symptoms of advanced iga nephropathy it? Iga nephropathy immunity appears immune system will make people fall late even for the average person the common cold it is also a big problem.
5, the cardiovascular system iga nephritis often have high blood pressure, which is mainly due to water and sodium retention, and also part of renin activity increased, reduce the secretion of prostaglandins and so on. Longer-term expansion of hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy causes, myocardial damage, heart failure, and cause systemic small arteriosclerosis. Renal arteriosclerosis time and accelerated deterioration of renal function. Retention of toxic substances, including increased thyroxine can cause myocardial damage, pericardial effusion occurred uremic syndrome, severe cardiac tamponade can occur. Uremic pericarditis is one condition for the re-performance, myocardial metastatic calcium would severely damage the heart function.
6. What are the symptoms of advanced iga nephropathy it? Respiratory symptoms acidosis in patients breathing slow and deep can be seen in severe respiratory acidosis particularity. Niaowei patient exhaled gases, which is due to the bacterial decomposition of urea sleep liquid form ammonia sake. Pulmonary edema can occur in patients, cellulose pleurisy is inflammation of urea stimulation; lung calcification calcium deposition in the lung tissue due.


