
iga nephropathy treatment precautions?

iga nephropathy treatment of inflammatory diseases to be controlled: to eliminate susceptible and induce positive elements, as the respiratory tract, skin, intestine, urinary tract infection, cure boils, fungal infections, tonsillitis due to repeated induced hematuria, possible tonsil resection, children are advised to timely prepuce circumcision. Once the performance inflammatory infection, active treatment.
②iga in the treatment of patients with kidney disease to prevent exogenous: The disease is often due to upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis leaving exacerbations, it should prevent the common cold, such as poor physical fitness, casual cold, could exercise over the body, adding arrived when the force to prevent the respiratory tract infection episodes, and taking medicine Yupingfengsan to Qi solid form.
③IgA kidney patients should pay attention to the usual treatment options are associated with the work and rest: because Lawton excessive, violent activity, hematuria can often add, it should be done living with restraint, pay attention to bed rest, excessive physical exercise, staying up late to prevent excessive fatigue and violent activity.
④iga in the treatment of kidney patients to pay attention to the spirit of enjoying: Where patients suffering from hematuria, have varying degrees of mental severe depression and despair. Therefore, in everyday life, or else pay attention to words and deeds when, nervous, shouting, etc. Rhyme added patient anxiety and fear of the mind, the spirit of enjoying it is very important. You can add to the spirit of the adverse effects on the patient's mood Hearty adhere to, in order to facilitate the cure of the disease.


