
What is the cause of IgA nephritis?

The etiology of IgA nephritis? Many people for IgA nephritis is not very understanding, you this clear, if you are interested in this problem. Please with doubt follow the experts together to detailed understanding once.
The cause of IgA nephritis mainly has the following several points:
(1) immune dysfunction
IgA rheumatoid factor was present in 30% of patients with IgA nephritis, indicating a non mucosal origin of the immunoglobulin. Examination of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients found that the IgA specific helper T cells in patients with IgA nephritis increased while IgA specific inhibition of T cells decreased, and the OKT4/OKT8 ratio increased. However, it is not clear whether this change in T cell subsets is the cause or the result of the increase in IgA.
(2) mucosal immunity
The pathology of IgA nephritis suggests that the basement membrane contains the IgA deposition of J chain, indicating that IgA may be secreted by plasma cells. Some IgA nephritis patients with intestinal or respiratory symptoms associated with IgA secreting epithelial cells. In addition, in some patients with IgA nephritis were found to have anti dietary antigens (such as wheat protein, bovine serum protein) and anti respiratory pathogens (such as cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, hepatitis virus) IgA antibodies. This further shows that there is an inherent relationship between IgA nephritis and mucosal immunity. In recent years, the animal model of IgA nephritis has been successfully established by the method of mucosal immunity.
The above is for the cause of IgA nephritis related introduction, you understand it, if you want to know what you want to welcome you at any time with our online experts to consult.


