
Iga nephropathy patients how to prevent relapse!

Iga nephropathy patients how to prevent relapse! Iga nephropathy is glomerular mesangial IgA deposition in IgA or dominated, with or without other immunoglobulin deposition in the mesangial area of ​​primary glomerular disease. Iga nephropathy is also a recurrence of a disease can, therefore, Iga nephropathy patients suffering too must make their own care after illness, prevention of recurrence Iga nephropathy.

① avoid over exertion, to ensure adequate time to rest. This is because if patients overwork can lead to increased blood in the urine. Patients should do regular daily diet in everyday life, especially to ensure adequate sleep and rest time.

② to do a cold prevention and treatment, if the patient recovered after suffering from a cold, will increase the burden on the kidneys to some extent, therefore, patients should pay attention to the weather changes, according to the temperature level, the appropriate change of clothing prevent colds. If suffering from a cold, we must give great importance to timely cure a cold, so as not to induce Iga nephropathy relapse.

③ can do some exercise, but to ensure that their overly tired. Moderate exercise can enhance their resistance, help prevent the recurrence of Iga nephropathy.

④ away from the infection, because many infectious diseases can affect renal function, such as upper respiratory tract infections, skin infections, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections, fungal infections, if not actively prevent and timely treatment is likely to lead to kidney disease , resulting recurrence Iga nephropathy.

Iga nephropathy in patients suffering from kidney disease too must pay attention to the points above, do their own prevention, to prevent recurrence of Iga nephropathy.


